jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Random thoughts, boring things.

♥ I'd love to make a wardrob post, so I can give myself some goals. Since six years have been enough to build a nice frill-filled closet it's now more than time to get a bigger color panel for basics.

♥ Angelic Pretty Paris shop opened a few days ago. I already spend more than I should have there, prices are quite high. But I missed that brand physical store sooo much, and seeing all those shitty cult party key inspired crap made me change my mind about new school lolita: it's crazily awesome as f**k.

♥ As soon as I'll be back home (away for work those times), I should do a more drastic closet cleaning. Like all that AP is really nice but I need room and money for that goddamn Cecilia cross.

♥ Maybe should I go back in a comm? Like man it's really nice to be by urself but sometimes it makes me feel like a  s a d  g i r l  to spend all those hours dressing up and ending in a supermarket buying my week's pastas.

And last (but not least), me whole heart now belong to that nunish a e s t h e t i c nightgown-like stuff

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